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Una cárcel reconvertida en hotel en Holanda

Durante 150 años fue una de las cárceles más temidas de Holanda. Hoy, la prisión Het Arresthuis, en Roermond, ha sido convertida en un hotel de lujo del que sin duda nadie se querrá escapar. La prisión abrió sus puertas en 1862 pero cerró definitivamente en 2007 y ahora que la instalación se ha transformado en un lujoso alojamiento, los huéspedes están dispuestos a pagar un exclusivo precio por pasar al menos una noche en una de las celdas de detención.Las celdas han sido convertidas en sofisticadas suites, equipadas con pantallas de LED, WiFi, cómodas y camas y máquina de café. El hotel cuenta con 40 habitaciones, de las cuales 12 son de gran lujo y las restantes se asemejan a las de un '5 estrella'. Además, dispone de sauna, gimnasio de última tecnología y un cuidado jardín.Los huéspedes más curiosos pueden optar por una cena especial ambientada como un almuerzo típico de prisión, en la que son invitados a vestirse de reos. Eso sí, el menú es mucho más delicioso y completo que lo que los presos acostumbraban a comer.

A luxury prison hotel you won't want to escape fromAfter serving as one of the Netherlands' most feared prisons for almost 150 years, Het Arresthuis, in Roermond, has been converted into a luxury hotel Netherlands12 Mar 2013

A luxury prison hotel you won't want to escape fromAfter serving as one of the Netherlands' most feared prisons for almost 150 years, Het Arresthuis, in Roermond, has been converted into a luxury hotel Netherlands12 Mar 2013

A luxury prison hotel you won't want to escape fromAfter serving as one of the Netherlands' most feared prisons for almost 150 years, Het Arresthuis, in Roermond, has been converted into a luxury hotel Netherlands12 Mar 2013

A luxury prison hotel you won't want to escape fromAfter serving as one of the Netherlands' most feared prisons for almost 150 years, Het Arresthuis, in Roermond, has been converted into a luxury hotel Netherlands12 Mar 2013

A luxury prison hotel you won't want to escape fromAfter serving as one of the Netherlands' most feared prisons for almost 150 years, Het Arresthuis, in Roermond, has been converted into a luxury hotel Netherlands12 Mar 2013

A luxury prison hotel you won't want to escape fromAfter serving as one of the Netherlands' most feared prisons for almost 150 years, Het Arresthuis, in Roermond, has been converted into a luxury hotel Netherlands12 Mar 2013

A luxury prison hotel you won't want to escape fromAfter serving as one of the Netherlands' most feared prisons for almost 150 years, Het Arresthuis, in Roermond, has been converted into a luxury hotel Netherlands12 Mar 2013

A luxury prison hotel you won't want to escape fromAfter serving as one of the Netherlands' most feared prisons for almost 150 years, Het Arresthuis, in Roermond, has been converted into a luxury hotel Netherlands12 Mar 2013

A luxury prison hotel you won't want to escape fromAfter serving as one of the Netherlands' most feared prisons for almost 150 years, Het Arresthuis, in Roermond, has been converted into a luxury hotel Netherlands12 Mar 2013

A luxury prison hotel you won't want to escape fromAfter serving as one of the Netherlands' most feared prisons for almost 150 years, Het Arresthuis, in Roermond, has been converted into a luxury hotel Netherlands12 Mar 2013

A luxury prison hotel you won't want to escape fromAfter serving as one of the Netherlands' most feared prisons for almost 150 years, Het Arresthuis, in Roermond, has been converted into a luxury hotel Netherlands12 Mar 2013

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